I (Sahajanand Swami, Lord Swaminarayan) meditate, in my heart, upon Lord Shree Krishna, on whose left stands Radhikaji, in whose heart resides Laxmiji and who plays (with His Bhaktas) in Vrindavan. || 1 ||
I Sahajanand Swami, write this Shikshapatri, Gospel of Life Divine, from Vadtal, to all my disciples who reside in different parts of the world ||2||
Shree Dharmadev’s sons, Rampratapji and Icharamji, who are brothers, Rampratapji’s son Ayodhyaprasad and Icharamji’s son, Raghuvir; (whom I have adopted as my sons and established as the Acharyas of my disciples) ||3||
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Vadtal Dham Shree Swaminarayan Hindu Temple, Houston TX
10825 Clodine Road
Richmond, Texas - 77407